Surfrider Canada partners Up with circular economy leader,!
Plastics are all around us and a part of our everyday lives. Some plastic is beneficial and serves a specialized purpose including its use in vehicles, computers, and many medical applications. However, single-use plastics which are used for a few minutes and then discarded, have created a major pollution problem.
Our ocean is filling up with plastic trash - choking fish, birds, turtles, and whales. It is even entering the human food chain in the form of microplastics. Plastic isn’t made to pollute the ocean, but up to 11 million tons of plastic still enter marine waters each year.
Surfrider Foundation Canada is dedicated to eliminating the impacts of plastics in the marine environment and advocates for solutions that reduce single-use plastics. And that is why we are so thrilled to announce our new partnership with!
Reusables, a leading zero-waste packaging platform, is the technology solution to the problem of single-use plastic waste. Reusables helps food businesses and their customers transition to a circular economy by providing the tracking technology and digital experience that makes it easy to reuse. Becoming a Reuser lets people enjoy takeout, coffee and more from participating stores, without contributing to plastic waste. Returns can be made to any participating store within 14 days and Reusables re-circulates the containers hundreds of times.
Reusables helps its 100+ business clients and thousands of consumers make a real impact on the planet every day. As an organization, Reusables’ mission is to replace single-use with reuse.
For our collaboration, Reusables will support Surfrider Canada’s work performing shoreline cleanups. $1.00 from every Reusables monthly membership will go to Surfrider Canada. In addition, for each container reused by Reusables members, Surfrider Canada volunteers will remove an equivalent amount of plastic debris from shorelines.
By joining Reusables, members can take pride in knowing that they are helping to prevent plastic pollution upstream AND supporting the cleanup of single-use plastic waste downstream on shorelines across Canada.
To learn more about Reusables, please visit their website:
If you live on Vancouver Island, you can check out Reusables VI: